Brett Weir
Making history
Proxy Docker images via GitLab
GitLab is a bargain
Phone numbers are not secure
Build an Inkscape container
Find missing files in Linux
Serve static assets with Cloudflare R2
So long, Signal
Use pyenv for local Python development
Lighthouse testing with CI
Write great command line utilities with Python
Transfer files with ssh
Schedule GitLab CI/CD pipelines with Terraform
The apt sandwich
All the ways to write a string in YAML
How to remove Rook from a Kubernetes cluster
Installing things with style
Crossing the uncanny valley
Building a static site with Eleventy and Tailwind
Confessions of a document generator
What is Terraform?
Six reasons to start a business
Loading config files in Python
The Bootstrapping Problem
Deploy a Kubernetes cluster on DigitalOcean with Terraform and GitLab
Hosting static sites with Cloudflare R2 and MinIO Client
Customize a Raspberry Pi image without any hardware
Meet `cici-tools`, a multi-tool for building GitLab CI/CD pipelines
I was on the Bright Founders Talk podcast!
I almost died and all I got was this LameStation
The LameStation and open hardware