The Bootstrapping Problem

Brett Weir, June 5, 2023

Infrastructure as code, or IaC for short, is often touted as a solution for all the world's problems.

Imagine for a moment: no more configuration drift, clean and consistent deliverables, and all operators finally on the same page. What more could anyone ask for? I myself am fanatic about IaC, and you can often find me raving about all the problems it solves.

But it's not all sunshine and roses. If you've spent any time trying to manage IaC deployments, you soon discover that all that fancy infrastructure tooling requires one thing to manage them: infrastructure.

By the time you've gotten to a point where you can even use Terraform, Kubernetes, or whatever other fancy tools, you likely already have multiple layers of deployments that are not and cannot be managed by the tools you've just adopted.

This is the Catch-22, the Achilles' heel, of infrastructure development.

This is the Bootstrapping Problem.

What is "bootstrapping"?

Bootstrapping, in this context, describes self-sustaining processes that grow in size and complexity by chaining successive stages. Examples abound:

Infrastructure goes through similar stages, whereby the introduction of a new capability to the organization makes it possible to introduce other capabilities that build on top. Each new layer depends on the previous layer and cannot exist without it:

A case study

Let's see an example of the Bootstrapping Problem in action. Let's say you've got three infrastructure capabilities that you'd like to implement:

Three capabilities to adopt.
Three capabilities to adopt.

Each new capability sounds great, so you try to implement them.

You'll want to use Terraform to provision the runners, which you'll want to drive from CI/CD, which requires runners to be provisioned somewhere.

Capability dependencies.
Capability dependencies.

That, my friend, is a dependency cycle. Since this dependency cycle exists in the ordering of bootstrapping requirements, I like to call this situation a bootstrap loop.

Bootstrap loops are problematic because they must be resolved in order for bootstrapping to complete successfully. If the runners described above experience a failure, it will not be possible to use the existing Terraform automation to resolve it, because CI/CD will not be available to run it.

This can result in extended and difficult-to-resolve outages as teams scramble to find bootstrapping workarounds that circumvent existing processes.

How do bootstrap loops occur?

Bootstrap loops do not spontaneously occur, because it is impossible to provision infrastructure from nothing when it contains a bootstrap loop. Instead, they evolve over time as a result of changes in availability of infrastructure.

For the runner situation described above to occur, there must have existed another runner at some point to kick off the whole process:

A bootstrap runner starts the runner bootstrap cycle.
A bootstrap runner starts the runner bootstrap cycle.

One of a few things might have happened:

Whatever the reason, there used to be a failover mechanism to kickstart this loop, but that mechanism disappeared when the organization forgot why they had it.

The Bootstrapping Problem can thus be described as the tendency to create bootstrap loops on accident as part of normal operation.

Solving the Bootstrap Problem

Preventing the introduction of bootstrap loops is essential to building a resilient infrastructure stack that can recover from failure without operator intervention.

1. Know the end state

Have an end state in mind for your infrastructure. You won't get there if you don't know what you want:

Answering these questions well requires experience. If you don't know what you need, find someone who does. It'll help you prevent expensive early mistakes.

2. Know the order of dependencies

If you are part of an organization of any size or complexity, it may seem like a constellation of interdependent services just exists and has happily done so for all time.

But this is not the case!

Everything depends on something else. Though you may not have experienced a scenario in which a bootstrapping requirement is currently unsatisfiable, these scenarios do exist.

Your first line of defense is knowing what things your thing needs in order to start successfully, and protecting that information.

3. Write everything down

Document, document, document! The earliest parts in this process are the most critical to document. The steps (create an account, save recovery codes, create an API key) seem so simple and obvious, and that's why they're likely to be forgotten.

In addition, these early steps exist outside of the platform you're building, so it is unlikely that they can be effectively automated.

4. Define a bootstrap procedure

Define a plan for getting from where you are to where you want to be. You'll likely need to solve the Bootstrapping Problem multiple times to arrive at your end state.

Here's a hypothetical plan to bootstrap a Kubernetes cluster with Ansible:

By defining this procedure, we always know the order of dependencies, and we know what layer to consult to recover if the layer above it is broken.

5. Use a third party

It's okay—stand on the shoulders of giants!

Even if you plan to host your own GitLab instance, having a few projects on to kickstart your delivery infrastructure is a good idea.

Build there for a few iterations until you have an self-hosted production environment to run GitLab. Then keep the infrastructure in your back pocket so that you are ready to bootstrap again if you ever need to.


Bootstrapping is a universal problem.

Your work is a result of your earlier work, and other people's work, much like you are a product of your past experiences, the experiences of those around you, and all of human history.

It really is turtles all the way down.

In that case, we should strive to know where we came from, how we got to where we are today, and preserve our history to defend our future.

If you do that much, you'll be able to weather any storm that comes your way, operational or otherwise.